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In Dnepropetrovsk started a field meeting of the Ukrainian interdenominational Christian Mission "Religious and charitable care in prisons."

On February 16 -17, 2015 at the basis of penal institutions of Regional Department of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk runs a field meeting of the Ukrainian Interdenominational Christian Mission "Religious and charitable care in prisons." In the event take part official representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Fr. Constantin Panteley (Patriarchal Curia) and Fr. Basil Pantelyuk (Donetsk Exarchate).

On Feb. 16, 2015 has been held the following events:
- press conference about meeting of Ukrainian interdenominational Christian Mission Religious and charitable care in prisons in the Information Agency "Most Dnepr";
- attendance of prisoners in Solonyanska penal colony #21 (p. Apolonivka St. Sofia District);
- acquaintance with the conditions created in colony #21 to ensure proper implementation religious rights  of inmates;
- the Conference of the Board of Mission.

Representatives of Churches, which are belonging to interdenominational mission, discussed proposals for the second reading of the bill # 1154 on Prison Chaplaincy and details of cooperation with the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine to develop Regulation for religious care in the prison system.

On Feb. 17, 2015 participants of the meeting will visit pretrial detention facility in Dnipropetrovsk to review the conditions established for inmates and continue the Conference of the Board of Mission. Than pastors will visit wounded soldiers in military hospital of Dnipropetrovsk.

The event involved members of the Ukrainian interdenominational Christian Mission "Religious and charitable care in prisons":
1) Fr Victor YATSENKO, CEO of Mission, Head of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for Pastoral Care of the penitentiary;
2) Fr Eugene ZATIRKA, deputy head of the Department of spiritual education in prisons of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate);
3) Bishop Victor LOBODENKO,Rreligious Center of the God’s Evangelical Church of Ukraine;
4) Pastor Vyacheslav KOGUT, Head of the Department of Social Ministry of All-Ukrainian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentacostals);
5) Pastor Sergey LUCKY, Head of prison ministry of the Council of Ukrainian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists;
6) Eugene DMITRIYEVSKY, Senior Pastor of Prison Ministry in the Union of Free Churches of Christians of Evangelical Faith of Ukraine;
7) Pastor Alexander PUHLYAK, Head of prison ministry of the Association of Independent Charismatic Christian Churches of Ukraine;
8) Deacon Victor DUDKA, prison ministry leader of the Ukrainian Union of Christians of Evangelical Christians-Baptists;
9) Fr Constantin PANTELEY, Mission Secretary, Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Office for Pastoral Care in Penitentiary System of Ukraine.
From the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
1) Igor ANDRUSHKO, Chief of Deprtment of social and psychological work with prisoners of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, colonel of internal service;
2) Alexander VEDMIDSKYY, Deputy Head of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk region colonel of internal service.

The event was also attended by representatives of religious and civic organizations of Dnipropetrovsk.


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