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On the Eve of the Lord's Nativity prison personnel has received the Bethlehem Peace Light.

Since 2000 A.D. the Bethlehem Peace Light is being transferred for Ukrainian community annually to all who through some circumstances is being away from family, so that everyone might feel the warmth of the Lord's Feasts.

In Kyiv, Bethlehem fire has been received by members of Plast - The National Scout Organization of Ukraine. In January 4, 2013, on the day of memory of St. Anastasia, Holy Protectoris of Prison Ministry, scouts Jaroslav Chernega and Paul Cheberyak shared Christmas Light from  Bethlehem to the General Office of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, Department SPSU in Kyiv and Kyiv region and in Kyiv prison. Accompanied by their priests Board members interdenominational mission prison ministry at. Eugene grout (UOC-KP) and. Constantine Panteley (UGCC).

This tradition has become an important symbol during the celebration of Christmas in recent years for many people in Ukraine. Because by the Light from Bethlehem people light candles for the Holy Supper. Bethlehem Peace Light as light of warmth, peace, hope. It travels around the world, breaking boundaries and uniting Christians on the eve of Christmas. The idea of Bethlehem light has very simple symbolism - peace, joy and brotherhood.  Ukrainian community favorably addopted this tradition.

Scouts Jaroslav and Paul have presented a brief history and symbolism of the tradition, and priests Fr. Constantin and Fr. Eugen have greeted  staff the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine on behalf of the Interdenominational Christian Mission of Prison Ministry.
Burning flame symbolizes the waiting period of Christmas fast, complete sacrifice. Light is a symbol of warmth, peace and harmony, and love for people and to the world. Simultaneously, this glimmer - a solidarity with all those who are far, solidarity with the poor and union with Christ. Traditionally, the fire is kept in the church of the Epyphany -   to 19 January.

More photos from the event:

Greetings with Christmas in Prison Service of Kyiv Region.
Fr. Constantin and scout Paul are explaining the tradition.
Scout Paul is giving the light to Christmas candels.

Psychologists of Prison personnel are receiving the light.

Officer on duty is taking the Bethlehem Light for Christmas days.

Scouts in the General Office of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine.

Remand prison of Kyiv.

Fr. Eugen is explaining the history of St. Anastasia.

Officer on duty has received the candel.

Scouts Paul and Jaroslav in remand prison of Kyiv.

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