Meeting of voluntary Penitentiary Pastoral Church.From a Coordination Centre volunteer co Penitentiary Pastoral Church in Kyiv Archdiocese was one year. February 16, 2012 in the church of St. Nicholas was a nice evening Sretenskaya for volunteers serving prisoners. At present it unites 32 volunteers who regularly included in the measures of service.
The idea of better coordination of prison ministry was the result of workshops held in three dioceses Church in 2009. To participate in the study were invited mainly students who are professionally interested in serving: future lawyers, social workers, psychologists and educators. However, the number of participants is limited to the aforementioned professions. In late 2010, the church of St. Basil the Great in Kiev the seminar "punished, but not rejected," which dealt with the role of laity in ministry care prisoners. This is facilitated formation of the initiative group during February-March 2011 held six organizational meetings that culminated in the creation of the Center for Volunteer Cooperation Kyiv Archdiocese Church. His inspirers are seminarian Andrew Dorchak, Taras Wheat, Christina Shon, Basil Wozniak. Center aims to combine the old and the young volunteer service in the territory of Kyiv Archdiocese Church. As you know, there are about 20 years of service to prisoners in "Caritas-Kyiv" and the parish of St. Nicholas at Askold grave. Occasional volunteers participate in annual events on big holidays and social days each year. Among them - the Patriarchal Choir, Parish Theatre band, students of different schools.
Results of the first year of the Center volunteer service were eventful:
1 - Cross in Prilutsky colonies2 - Easter Activity institutions3 - Friendly football match with pupils Pryluky colony minors4 - Sports Festival "Cossack hardening" in Prilutsky colonies5 - art works sending prisoners to Berlin6 - Collection of funds for the honey and fruit and visiting institutions for the Saviour,7 - action 'shoes - in * prisoners! "8 - Charity Ball to raise funds for the rehabilitation of women after release9 - Action collection of gifts from St. Nicholas (toothpaste and toothbrush prisoner)10 - Christmas visits to the institution.
This is the main event of the year, causing resonance and led to new ideas. The meeting voiced a proposal to design the Center volunteer co Archdiocese Church Kyiv-based statute. So, now formed voluntary basis.
Then Fr. Constantine presented the calendar of events and significant events in 2012 in the field of pastoral care. Volunteers focused on the coming events in February-March (eg, 22/02/2012 - International Day in Support of Victims of Crime). The meeting was also discussed prospects of training volunteers.
According to the volunteers - Center aims to contribute to the development of charitable and evangelistic ministry and provide effective assistance to the priests-chaplains. It combines the efforts of the Commission in prison ministry Archdiocese, which with the blessing of Bishop Joseph (Milian) headed by Fr. Vitaly (Kitty), CSSR.
In the words of His Holiness Benedict XVI prison ministry enriches ecclesiastical life as every Christian community, and each diocese as a whole.
Center volunteer co Penitentiary Pastoral Church in Kyiv Archdiocese.
The idea of better coordination of prison ministry was the result of workshops held in three dioceses Church in 2009. To participate in the study were invited mainly students who are professionally interested in serving: future lawyers, social workers, psychologists and educators. However, the number of participants is limited to the aforementioned professions. In late 2010, the church of St. Basil the Great in Kiev the seminar "punished, but not rejected," which dealt with the role of laity in ministry care prisoners. This is facilitated formation of the initiative group during February-March 2011 held six organizational meetings that culminated in the creation of the Center for Volunteer Cooperation Kyiv Archdiocese Church. His inspirers are seminarian Andrew Dorchak, Taras Wheat, Christina Shon, Basil Wozniak. Center aims to combine the old and the young volunteer service in the territory of Kyiv Archdiocese Church. As you know, there are about 20 years of service to prisoners in "Caritas-Kyiv" and the parish of St. Nicholas at Askold grave. Occasional volunteers participate in annual events on big holidays and social days each year. Among them - the Patriarchal Choir, Parish Theatre band, students of different schools.
Results of the first year of the Center volunteer service were eventful:
1 - Cross in Prilutsky colonies2 - Easter Activity institutions3 - Friendly football match with pupils Pryluky colony minors4 - Sports Festival "Cossack hardening" in Prilutsky colonies5 - art works sending prisoners to Berlin6 - Collection of funds for the honey and fruit and visiting institutions for the Saviour,7 - action 'shoes - in * prisoners! "8 - Charity Ball to raise funds for the rehabilitation of women after release9 - Action collection of gifts from St. Nicholas (toothpaste and toothbrush prisoner)10 - Christmas visits to the institution.
This is the main event of the year, causing resonance and led to new ideas. The meeting voiced a proposal to design the Center volunteer co Archdiocese Church Kyiv-based statute. So, now formed voluntary basis.
Then Fr. Constantine presented the calendar of events and significant events in 2012 in the field of pastoral care. Volunteers focused on the coming events in February-March (eg, 22/02/2012 - International Day in Support of Victims of Crime). The meeting was also discussed prospects of training volunteers.
According to the volunteers - Center aims to contribute to the development of charitable and evangelistic ministry and provide effective assistance to the priests-chaplains. It combines the efforts of the Commission in prison ministry Archdiocese, which with the blessing of Bishop Joseph (Milian) headed by Fr. Vitaly (Kitty), CSSR.
In the words of His Holiness Benedict XVI prison ministry enriches ecclesiastical life as every Christian community, and each diocese as a whole.
Center volunteer co Penitentiary Pastoral Church in Kyiv Archdiocese.

Підсумки першого року діяльності Центру волонтерського служіння виявилися багатими на події:
1- Хресна дорога в Прилуцькій колонії,
2- великодні відвідини установ,
3- Товариський футбольний матч з вихованцями Прилуцької колонії неповнолітніх,
4 - Спортивне свято "Козацький гарт" у Прилуцькій колонії,
5 - відправка робіт образотворчого мистецтва в'язнів до Берліну,
6- Збірка коштів на мед і плоди та відвідування установ на Спаса,
7- акція "взуття - в*язням!"
8 - благодійний бал для збору коштів на реабілітацію жінок після звільнення,
9 - акція збору подарунків від Св. Миколая (зубна паста і щітка в'язневі),
10 - різдвяні візити в установи.
2- великодні відвідини установ,
3- Товариський футбольний матч з вихованцями Прилуцької колонії неповнолітніх,
4 - Спортивне свято "Козацький гарт" у Прилуцькій колонії,
5 - відправка робіт образотворчого мистецтва в'язнів до Берліну,
6- Збірка коштів на мед і плоди та відвідування установ на Спаса,
7- акція "взуття - в*язням!"
8 - благодійний бал для збору коштів на реабілітацію жінок після звільнення,
9 - акція збору подарунків від Св. Миколая (зубна паста і щітка в'язневі),
10 - різдвяні візити в установи.
Це головні події року, які викликали резонанс та спонукали до нових задумів. На зборах прозвучала пропозиція щодо оформлення Центру волонтерської співпраці Київської Архиєпархії УГКЦ на основі статуту. Отже, відтепер формуються засади волонтаріату.
Потім о. Костянтин представив календар заходів та значних подій 2012 року в царині душпастирства. Волонтери зосередились на найближчих заходах в лютому-березні (як, наприклад, 22.02.2012 - Міжнародний день підтримки жертв злочинів). На зборах була також обговорена перспектива проведення навчання волонтерів.

За висловом Святішого отця Венедикта XVI пенітенціарне служіння збагачує еклезіальне життя як кожної християнської спільноти, так і кожної єпархії в цілому.
Центр волонтерської співпраці Пенітенціарного душпастирства УГКЦ у Київській Архиєпархії.